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1. Awakening Intuition - Opening your inner senses. Expand your awareness to perceive more than you thought you could. Opening and expanding all your spiritual senses will help to receive information more clearly and easily. Our spiritual senses mirror our physical senses and with  practice, a keen sense of spiritual intuition can be cultivated. This class provides fun and easy methods to practice building your psychic abilities.

2 hour class - $45/person


2. Connecting to the Divine - Opening the channels for spiritual

guidance.  Everyone can connect to Divinity - you just have to ask.

You will learn meditations and techniques to open the channels to

receive messages. You will learn about the signals that these Divine

Beings will give to you to help you understand them. You will learn

the 10 tests of spiritual discernment and various methods and

affirmations for protection. We talk about the difference between

Divinity and the Astral and Mental worlds that can easily fool us with

their false wisdom. These tests help us to deepen our connection to

Spirit so we can be channels of the light on this planet. 

3 hour class - $65/person


3. Sanctuary Meditation - Creating your Sanctuary for Divine contact. You will learn to expand the energy in your hara and to balance and open all your chakras; you will open up your Central Core and learn how to move energy and light through it; you will travel into the Light while anchoring and bringing your Sanctuary to life. This will be your starting point from which you will journey to meet your Higher Self and receive messages from your spirit guides. 

2 hour class - $45/person


4. Spiritual Empowerment and Initiation - The knowledge, methods and

empowerments handed down in this class come from the ancient lineage of King

Solomon which has deep metaphysical teachings and advanced spiritual training.

The initiation will bring you 10 times greater empowerment to make the energetic

and physical changes you need to reach you full potential. This is a 6 hour program

with a sacred initiation ceremony at its completion. 

6 hour course - $295/person 


See Calendar of Events page for scheduled classes.

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