Intenders Circle
We are connected with a wonderful group of people all over North America who
have been manifesting all their desires and wishes for over 25 years. The group
was started by Tony Burroughs and they call themselves "The Intenders of the
Highest Good".
The Intenders have developed a simple but effective method of setting intentions that they call the Intention Process. It goes way beyond the information given in The Secret which was quite popular several years ago. The Process is simple. It helps us understand that our desires are ready to be fulfilled and that our thoughts create our world. We support and help one another to become as clear as possible in our words and our thoughts. We say our intentions each day and we gather together with friends and community once a week in our Intention Circle.
The Intenders Circle provides us with a unique format to help people understand and use the laws of manifestation in their daily lives - and have fun, too!
The Intenders Circle is free. There are no dues, no memberships, and no leadership positions to be filled. It is a conscious community of friends and people who want to change their lives and transform the planet for the better.
Please join us. Love donation $10.
See Calendar of Events page for scheduled circles.