Sacred Geometry Series
3.5 hours, Investment $85
Learn how to use the Universe to construct and better your life.
Sacred Geometry is the study and contemplation of Divine Proportion and
the geometric patterns that are fundamental to the creation and structure
of the Universe. In understanding these geometric patterns and vibrational
energies, one learns the pure language of the cosmos and gains access to universal wisdom.
In this classes, you will learn to:
Awaken and invoke the powers of the three primary sacred geometries (pyramid, cube, and sphere) within your body.
Connect your mind to the Divine Spirit by accessing the keys to Heaven with these sacred symbols.
Mesh sacred geometry with the four elements to enable all of your physical creations to be imbued with the Divine.
Activate a room or a building, increasing the vibration for protection of all those within.
Create a temple of worship/sacred space.
This classes are truly remarkable and may help to make some dramatic changes in your life and your environment.
4 hours, Investment $215/person (incl. crystals and manual)
Prerequisite Sacred Geometry I.
This workshop is the second level of Sacred Geometry. We work with crystals,
the most ancient of sacred geometrical shapes that are capable of receiving,
containing, projecting, emanating, refracting, and reflecting light, which is the
highest form of energy known in the physical universe.
In this workshop you will learn:
The qualities and energetic uses of various crystals for healing and spiritual development.
Using crystals to clear and open the chakra system
A simple and effective crystal layout on the body for healing and balancing
Ancient rites and incantations with crystals for healing and manifestation
Channelling using crystals
Dream work with crystals
The sacred rites and healings offered in this workshop are very ancient and have been handed down from the Lineage of King Solomon.
3 hours, $125/person (manual included)
Prerequisites: Sacred Geometry I. and II. Part 1
In Sacred Geometry II, Part 2, you will:
Review the sealing and gridding of rooms that you learned in Sacred Geometry I.
You will review how to create a Temple in your meditation space.
You will learn advanced gridding techniques.
You will learn how to place geometrical forms in your home or room that
enhance the God Energy and bring harmony, health, success, abundance
and protection into the space.
You will learn to use crystals to open energetic gates through which more energy and light can flow into your home. Using Sacred Geometry your crystals will become powerful generators that go beyond the physical dimensions. The crystals will protect your space and no negative energies will enter this space.
See Calendar of Events page for scheduled classes.