Welcome! You were brought here for a reason, let's find it!
Are you walking in balance and harmony in your life? Do you want to deepen your spiritual connection?
In today's world, with all the stresses and uncertainties, finding balance and harmony is vital. We are all looking for answers and ways to live a happy, joyful life.
Whether you are new on the path of Spirit and Metaphysics, a seeker, a spiritual teacher or holistic practitioner, at Pathways to Spirit Institute you will find a connection. At Pathways to Spirit we have been walking the spiritual and metaphysical path for many years. We are dedicated to sharing the many tools and teachings that we have been given by many spiritual teachers and guides. Our approach is simple, direct, powerful, yet gentle. All the programs we offer at Pathways to Spirit Institute are designed to take you to your next step in service to yourself and to others.
For further information contact us.
Devi Parvati & Dietmar Dombkowski